Good Morning Chestnut Class,
Today we will be following our normal class timetable - just at home!
RWI - Please complete the speed sounds, green words and red words in your books, then complete a final read through of your story. Comprehension group - there is a comprehension activity below for you to complete 'All About Bees'.
Literacy - following on from your noun work last week, today you will be sorting common and proper nouns. Please see the sheet below.
Maths - Please complete the multiplication colouring activity. This is continuing you times tables work from Thursday.
This is a wonderful game to practice many aspects of our maths curriculum, specifically number bonds and times tables.
You could also (if you are able to) download the one-minute-maths app.
In the afternoon, we have two lessons to complete.
Spelling - please complete the spelling ppt, then write out the words again on a piece of paper. Here is a ten minute timer
There is also a wordsearch if you would like a CHALLENGE.
Science - for our final lesson of the day, please read through the information about Sir David Attenborough - you may need an adult to help you with this. Then, complete a poster all about this amazing person. You can use colour and pictures, but remember to have important information about him too! You could finish your day by watching a documentary that he has made. Make sure you get permission from an adult to do this!
I hope you have a wonderful day, enjoy being back at school tomorrow, and I will see you all on Friday!
Mrs Blake x