School uniform consists of a navy sweatshirt with school logo, red polo shirt, grey trousers, grey school skirt/pinafore with black sensible school shoes for winter or sandals (with socks) for summer. Children may wear smart, tailored grey shorts in warm weather. Red summer dresses (striped or gingham) may be worn with navy school logo cardigans. For health and safety reasons, jewellery (other than a small stud) is not allowed in school. Studs must be covered before coming to school on P.E. days. Hairstyles should be tidy and formal, i.e. no shaved shapes, etc. Coloured/ dyed hair is not encouraged.
School P.E. kit consists of a red T-shirt, navy hoody, black shorts/ jogging bottoms and plimsolls or trainers. These should contain no logos other than the school logo. Kit should be kept in school in a named drawstring P.E. bag; these can be purchased from the office.
School uniform can be purchased from the school office.