Ivington C of E Primary and Pre School
Written Statement of Behaviour Principles
November 2022
The Education and Inspectors Act 2006 and DfE guidance (Behaviour in Schools, 2022) requires Governors to produce and frequently review a written statement of general behaviour principles to guide the Headteacher in determining measures to promote good behaviour and discipline amongst pupils.
The document ‘Behaviour and Discipline in Schools - Guidance for Governing Bodies’ (DfE 2022) has also been used as a reference in producing these principles.
This is a statement of principles, not practice. Practical applications of these principles are the responsibility of the Headteacher. The purpose of this statement is to give guidance to the Headteacher in drawing up the Behaviour Policy by stating the principles that Governors expect to be followed.
Ivington C of Primary and Pre School is an inclusive school and we are committed to teaching and promoting tolerance, fairness, social inclusion and equality. The whole school behaviour system reflects the school's ethos and encourages every pupil to 'reach together' in all that they do! Values and learning behaviours are integral to our curriculum and they shape the kind of people our pupils will become, enabling them to make the best of their learning in the future. Our school values underpin all learning at school as they form our attitudes towards learning and to each other. Our school values, rules and ethos underpin our relationships, curriculum and policies.
Behaviour Principles
• All pupils, staff, visitors and other members of the school community have the right to feel safe at all times in school.
• Every pupil should be educated in an environment where they feel valued, listened to and respected.
• Staff and volunteers set an excellent example to pupils at all times.
• Adults in school model, maintain, encourage and promote positive behaviour and the principles of fairness and justice.
• High expectations for positive behaviours and attitudes towards learning provide the foundations for our pupils to become confident, resilient and self-assured learners.
• Governors expect all members of the school community to behave responsibly and to treat each other with respect.
• Ivington is an inclusive school and we believe in equality and valuing the individual – all members of the school community should be free from discrimination. There are no outsiders. Everyone is welcome in our school. No-one is the same but everyone is equal.
• The Governors believe that high standards and expectations of behaviour lie at the heart of a successful school.
• Pupils should be supported to build self-discipline, empathy and emotional resilience through the development of strong self-regulation systems.
• Bullying or harassment of any description is unacceptable and not tolerated even if it occurs outside normal school hours. Measures to counteract bullying and discrimination will be consistently applied and monitored for their effectiveness.
• Pupils have the right to learn and achieve their full potential.
• We believe that positive behaviours should be acknowledged to encourage good behaviour in the classroom and elsewhere in school.
• The school’s legal duties in order to comply with the Equality Act 2010 are reinforced through the Policies for Behaviour and Anti-Bullying.
• The Governors recognise that some pupils may need additional support to meet behaviour expectations, which they should receive.
• The Governors believe that the use of rewards and sanctions must have regard to the individual situation, the individual pupil and the Headteacher is expected to use their discretion in their use.
• Pupils should be encouraged to be accountable for their actions and the potential impact on themselves and others.
• Sanctions for misbehaviour should be known and understood by all staff and pupils and should be consistently applied.
• Sanctions should be applied fairly, consistently, proportionally and reasonably, taking into account SEND, disability and the needs of vulnerable children, offering support as necessary.
• Consequences should enable a pupil to reflect on, and learn from, a situation and to make reparation wherever possible.
• The school should work in partnership with parents/carers to develop and promote positive behaviours and seek advice from appropriate outside agencies wherever necessary.
• The Governors feel strongly that exclusions must only be used as the very last resort.