A very warm Welcome to Rowan Class
It's school time again! We hope that you have all enjoyed the summer and are looking forward to an exciting new academic year. It is our goal to help the children in Rowan Class continue to develop into confident independent learners and we will do our best to help make this year a positive experience for everyone. We want every child to have the self-belief to ‘Reach for the Stars’ and to feel the satisfaction of knowing that they have done their best by the time they leave us. Then they will be prepared for the next step of their lives.
Our values underpin all of our learning.
So what is it like in Rowan? We asked Year 6 to tell us.
“As the oldest children in the school we have responsibilities to help run the school and the teachers have high expectations of us. Even though lessons are sometimes difficult they are always fun and we know that we need to try hard and succeed.”
“I like having my own pencil case and crayons. We have to look after them and make sure that we are ready to start lessons. I am getting more organised now.”
“Our learning is fun and we do different types of activities in our lessons. We learn to have good discussions and build on each other’s ideas. We enjoy our lessons as they are always interesting and fun. We are always expected to try our best – and we do!”
“We have very important jobs that help run the school such as being prefects, buddying younger children, organising sports equipment and running the library. We help run the School Council and raise money, such as with the Christmas Fayre.”
“We do extra activities such as plays, singing at West Eaton and the village fete. We do a lot with the local community. We enjoy fantastic trips such as Pembroke, and this year visiting York.”
“I love Ivington Primary, it is very welcoming and friendly, we are like a family in our school and I feel I belong. We all care about one another. We like looking after the younger children, especially our buddies in Cherry class, and we take our responsibilities seriously.”
We are lucky to have Miss Harris, Miss Lanman and Mrs Taylor supporting us. We look forward to working in partnership with you throughout the coming year and we are confident that together we can provide the support and encouragement needed to help your child succeed.
If you have any questions now or at any time in the future, don’t hesitate to contact us at the school.
Mrs Lewis