Ivington CE Primary School’s PE Vision
At Ivington CE Primary School we recognise the importance of an inspiring PE curriculum which promotes physical health and fitness, participation and a healthy lifestyle. The intent of our PE curriculum adheres to the aims of the National Curriculum ensuring that we provide opportunities for all pupils to become physically confident and supporting them to succeed in developing their own health, fitness and well-being. Our PE curriculum encourages children to succeed in physical activities, cooperate and collaborate with others and embed fairness and respect as well as evaluate and improve their performance. We aim to deliver high quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all children to succeed in physical activities.
Aims of Physical Education
Through physical education and sport we aim:
Pupils at Ivington CE Primary School participate in weekly high-quality PE and sporting activities. Through the use of PrimaryPEPlanning children are taught through a broad, holistic approach to physical activity where the aim is to develop the ‘whole child’. The scheme provides an engaging curriculum which implements a learning journey developing the whole child. Children are encouraged to take leadership of their learning and assess activity levels throughout the lesson. We also provide a range of opportunities for children to engage in extracurricular activities during and after school including football, multi-skills, cricket, and rounders. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also well-being and enjoyment.
We recognise the fact that there are children of widely different abilities in all classes, and we provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child. We achieve this by:
To ensure that children with SEN are able to fully engage with the Physical Education curriculum, the following measures are taken at Ivington CE Primary and Pre-school:
At Ivington CE Primary and Pre-school, children with SEN are able to fully access the Physical Education curriculum.
Such principles include:
IMPLEMENTATION AND IMPACT – Assessment, Monitoring and Evidence:
Teachers monitor each child’s progress using formative assessment and adjust their teaching accordingly to suit the needs of individuals. Teachers then assess their class against specifications for each unit of learning, using the PrimaryPEPlanning assessment tool to record summative assessment. Teachers assess the children as being at the developing, secure or exceeding standard of development. Children are interviewed on an informal basis during lesson observations by the Physical Education Subject Leader, to gauge pupil’s opinions about the teaching and the understanding of skills learned. Long term and medium-term Physical Education plans are monitored on a termly basis by the Subject Leader to ensure full curriculum coverage. Governors are informed of progress and impact on children’s learning in Physical Education through the presentation of a yearly School Improvement Plan, incorporating each subject area.